How a Case Erector Machine Increases Your ROI

As the owner of a manufacturing business, or any other type of commercial operation with packaging needs, you understand that every second counts. 

In a word: Efficiency. Efficiency means a reliable workflow. It also means the promise of strong returns on your investment, or ROI. 

There are many factors to look at if you are aiming to increase your ROI. One such factor is having a top-notch case erector machine. If you are unfamiliar with box erector machines, then you have come to the right place. Now is the time to learn more about these wonderful machines and how they can benefit your business.

What is A Case Erector Machine?

Also known as a carton erector machine or box erector machine, these machines are packaging systems that will simplify your workflow. Their function is like you would imagine, erecting boxes. However, what’s impressive isn’t what these machines do. It’s all about how they do it.

An automatic case erector takes a flat box and erects it into the proper shape. And what’s more, they tape the bottom of the box. The result is a pristine and open box ready to be loaded with your products for shipping. And if that isn’t enough, these high-speed case erectors can handle a wide range of case sizes and shapes.

Therefore, no matter what size product you ship, there is an automatic case erector that can suit your needs. 

How Box Erector Machines Increase Your ROI

In addition to the technology itself, there are specific factors that we can point to that are sure to increase ROI. Here are a few:

1. Faster and Accurate Boxing

A packaging line is only efficient when its speed and accuracy are rewarding. With a carton erector machine, you get both. Depending on the size of the package, you can set various speed levels as well. Knowing precisely how many cases per minute can be erected enables you to be in better control of your operation. 

Additionally, box erector machines are accurate. Your boxes will be erected to look the same, and taped accordingly each time. This means you can plan for your speed and be confident that your packages are all the same, each and every time. Therefore, you can accurately strategize for growth. 

A faster and more accurate production line leads to a better output rate. There is no arguing against an efficient and increased output rate leading to improved ROI.

2. Safer Production Process

Flat boxes ready to be erected.

If you aren’t using a carton erector machine, you have a team of individuals doing this work. If this is the case, you are already aware that your speed is less efficient, but your boxes are also inconsistent. However, beyond the production details, there is the risk of injury to consider. 

With a case erector machine, you are keeping your professionals away from assembly stations and moving machinery. This is always a bonus for any manufacturing or packaging facility. And when a company demonstrates that it caters to a safe work environment, it is attractive to employees. 

If your workplace has a good reputation and employees stand by its policies, the word will get out. And consumers trust a company that has a good reputation. This is a good way to stay popular as well as improve ROI. 

3. Less Waste

While we have already discussed the reduced time spent on each box, there are other forms of waste management. For example, think of the tape that is used to seal the bottom of each box. If a case erector machine is responsible for this taping, it is going to use the same amount each time. 

This established amount further puts you in control of your operation. Every little bit helps when it comes to a packaging facility, so why not be in control at that granular level.

Case Erector Machine Price

Naturally, a return on investment means that pulling in more from the box erector machine than you paid for it. Therefore, it is reasonable to wonder about the carton erector machine price. However, as mentioned, these are not one-size-fits-all machines. And by default, they don’t all have the same price.

While some models might be around $7,000, there are others that cost much more. However, they also do more. In this way, some box erector machines are better suited for your business than others. And the box erector machine that can improve your ROI is the one that makes the most sense for your business. 

Find a case erector machine that works for your needs. Shop our case erectors online!