4 Benefits of Using a Case Taper

If there is a boxing or packaging component to your operation, then you understand the needs that come along with it. Packaging is crucial in this day and age. Simply put, it’s the first thing your customer sees. 

You want to make sure your packaging looks professional, and that includes box sealing. A box tape machine can make sure your packaging is sealed, tidy and accurate each time. However, there are also internal benefits to implementing a carton or box tape sealing machine into your workflow. 

From efficiency to speed to safety, there are all kinds of reasons that your operation would find value in a case taper. And while there are too many to break down in one article, we have compiled some of the most important benefits. 

If you are on the fence about a case sealer tape machine, then read some of the benefits below.

What Does A Case Sealing Machine Do?

Case erector and taper machines keep your process consistent and efficient. By making uniform seals for all packages on your line, you are in better control of your overall operation. 

And yes, our carton and box tape sealing machines are custom designed to your specifications. They are also adjustable, meaning you can tackle packaging operations of any size. And since there is no middleman, you can get one of our case sealer tape machines for wholesale. It doesn’t get better than that!

Benefits of Box Tape Machines

Inconsistent hand-held tape job.

As promised, here are a few benefits to be aware of. 

1. Increased Speed and Output

There is no question that a case taper is faster than a hand-taping tool. What’s more, you can set your box tape machine to a particular speed so you can have better control of your operation. 

And speed in and of itself is a benefit, but speed with accuracy is another. With a carton sealing tape machine, you can have both speed and accuracy. And this leads to increased output. 

If growing your business is part of your goal, then increasing your output efficiently is a key objective. With an automatic case sealer, you can meet this objective. 

2. Reduced Materials

Say goodbye to double taping, or using too much tape. A carton sealing machine will use only the amount of tape that is necessary, without using too much. This is an excellent way to reduce waste, which in turn reduces cost. 

Even if you have to tape the top and bottom of your boxes, a case taper can get the job done. Over time, you will appreciate this specific control over the materials you are using. 

3. Better Package Security

A benefit that is not often considered is the security that an efficient tape job provides. Since each piece of tape is placed in a way that makes the most sense, it won’t come undone in transit. 

Additionally, if a box has various pieces of overlapping tape, it is difficult to tell if it has been tampered with. On the other hand, a box that has a specific and clean tape mark puts the receiver at ease. It is clear there has been no tampering with this package. 

Whether you are sending your packages directly to individual customers or to businesses, security is of utmost importance. A case sealer tape machine goes a long way in improving package security.

4. Reputation

Remember, the package is the first thing a customer sees. This means packaging matters on several fronts. For one, a single piece of efficient tape is easy to open, but also demonstrates the package hasn’t been tampered with. As mentioned, this puts customers at ease.

Additionally, more conscious customers are going to appreciate the fact your packages use few materials. In this day and age, people don’t like when packaging waste fills up their garbage cans. By using an efficient amount of materials, you will appease your customers.

And overall, happy customers mean return business. If they know they can rely on your products and shipping, as well as your packaging, they are more likely to order from you again. Do yourself a favor and implement a box tape machine into your workflow.

Shop for Case Tapers Online!

As mentioned, case tapers don’t come in one-size-fits-all solutions. They are designed to meet your needs. Therefore, look through our selection and find something that works for you and your business.